The Nelson family is taking the drought in California very seriously. In order for Parker to be able to splash gallons of water a day out of the hot tub the rest of the family has to bathe in the wheelbarrow. Stay tuned to see future postings of Troy and Heather......Just Joking
I didn't know you have a blog. I saw your blog info on Amanda's. I was a bit worried at first that you were being serious about Parker and the hot tub. What would Parker do without being able to play in water if you had a serious draught?
Heather. I was going to get lots done this morning, but I spent the past hour just looking at everyone's blogs. It was sooooo fun. Thanks for taking the time.
Love you.
ok I know you don't have tons of time but when are you going to post again? I miss reading your blog.
how come I didn't know you had a blog?!? I am excited for the great posts about your family with true Heather comedy that make me laugh.
I'm sorry--you have a blog and didn't tell me about it?!?!?! I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this!!!!
like everyone else that commented here, I didn't know that you had a blog, but it is a great one. I'll keep checking for the post of the two of you squished in the wheelbarrow--I'm assuming in swimming suits?????/?/?
Wow, 2 years since your last post -- I found you on Roslyn's blog! (not that I couldn't have called you!) I just had to laugh, I flipped back through at least a year of their blog and am pretty sure I would not have put it all together by myself!
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